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"And seek help through patience and prayer,

And indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive (to Allah)."

Surah al-Baqarah (2:45)



The Young Muslim Alliance (YMA) aims to revive the traditional principles and ethics of Islam to nurture a generation of Muslims committed to religious action and the sincere worship of God.​ â€‹

The YMA is a student-led socio-religious organization focused on spirituality, community service, academia, and education. By engaging in these activities, the organization attempts to promote Islamic values, cultivate religious discourse, and foster cross-cultural dialogue.​


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Evidence for a Creator:

The Argument from Contigency

Among the many questions that shape human thought, few are as significant and yet so frequently neglected as the question of existence. For the common man, reality is simply encountered as a collection of objects situated within time and space, but seldom does its deeper, more fundamental nature become a subject of his reflection. Beneath this everyday experience, however, lies a profound metaphysical truth—namely, that existence is neither self-evident nor something to be taken for granted, but rather a mystery that demands its own explanation...​​

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